Friday, August 28, 2009

Hanging with friends

Two of Georgia and Jude's best buddies (oddly enough) just moved here from Austin, Texas about a year ago. They lived two houses up for us, then moved up the street, but still walking distance. Audrey and Joseph are two pals we will be sad to leave behind...and their mom, Victoria. She's become a great friend to me.

Our one cat, Alex, is a little freaked out by all the boxes. I already have kitty sedatives for our trip next week! I'll let you know how THAT goes.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


One reason the kids can't wait to move...lizards!

A huge reason Steve and I are excited to move...beach!!!

We're moving to Houston in less than 2 weeks! Wow. It's been crazy, but we're excited to see God's hand in getting us there. The kids are excited, Steve is excited and I'm even excited :)

Steve was offered an amazing job at Lakewood Church working in the Audio department. They have the best of the best there and he is honored to be a part of it. They want him to start September 5...thus the fast move!

I had a yard sale this weekend and got rid of tons of stuff. Steve had a yard sale and sold gear at the studio. We are going to leave the house empty, have some improvements done to it, and hopefully sell it quickly. It's in a wonderful neighborhood, in a fantastic school district.

I am really sad to leave Franklin. I have lived here for 15 years. In our house for 8 years. Brought our kids home from the hospital here. Georgia just started kindergarten and LOVES it. My sister is right up the street and all my best buds are here. I trust God to heal my broken heart over all that and plant some new friendships (never to replace the old however!)in Houston.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Georgia LOVES school. She got an awesome teacher, Mrs. Hardcastle. Last night she said "I miss Mrs. Hardcastle". Today when I picked her up, she tried to get out of the van and said "I don't wanna leave!" Alrighty then! I'm very glad.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Day Of School

Georgia really enjoyed her first half day of kindergarten. We won't know who her teacher is til tomorrow. I didn't cry and neither did she. :)

She said "I have so many things to tell you!"

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kindergarten In One Week!

Last night we all headed over to Franklin Elementary School (which by the way, is a fabulous school) for kindergarten orientation. We signed Georgia up for her half day next Thursday. After that, she's full time the following week.

I can't believe the day is coming, but I'm so excited for her because she is SO excited for herself! I admit it would be really hard if I thought she was going to cling to me crying. I hope to attend the Boo Hoo Yahoo Mom's Breakfast at the school after our last goodbyes on the 17th. I don't think I'll be doing either, but it sounds like fun!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Trip To The Pool

Steve has been out of town on business, so we all spent the day together yesterday. It was our first trip to the pool! Yes I know it's August, but I'm not one to take the kids to the pool by myself. We have, however, been to the lake a few times.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

When Cat and Skunk Collide

Leo had a run in with a skunk early this morning. We found an online recipe for peroxide, dish soap and baking soda. He did relatively well and even let Steve blow dry him! He is currently under the bed but seems to trust us :)