Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Yesterday we went to Percy Warner Park. We packed lunch and ate all by ourselves at a private area we found in the park. It was really fun. The kids and Steve caught a collared lizard and a blue tail skink. They also have tons of chigger bites in many unmentionable places. It's been an itchy night, but Daddy saved the day by bringing home chigger medicine.

We headed to the Nashville fireworks and found a great spot to sit by LP Field. It had poured earlier in the day and we kept watching the weather to see if it would be clear. Thankfully, they started the fireworks about an hour earlier than they intended to because they must have been watching the weather too! About halfway through, it was like we were caught in a monsoon. We had the double jogger and Steve ran as fast as he could. Georgia got hysterical telling us later that she was afraid she was going to fall out of the stroller.

We were all drenched and cold by the time we made it back to the car. The kids were asleep before we hit Brentwood. It was all worth it when Jude said during the fireworks, "I'm enjoying this too much!"